Allergies in dogs: how to care for their skin, coat, eyes and ears 

Discover the most common allergies in dogs and learn practical tips to best care for their skin, coat and ears - don't miss out!



The most common skin allergies in dogs

The most common skin allergies in dogs are atopic dermatitis, environmental allergies and mange. Some dogs, such as those with white coats, tend to have very delicate skin and are more prone to allergies. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on areas such as the groin, armpits and tummy to check for redness, rashes and eczema.

Common allergies are usually caused by mites or parasites, but also by environmental particles, such as pollen from some plants.

Why do dogs scratch themselves?

If a dog scratches or licks himself insistently, you should quickly check the area they are scratching as they could be suffering from an allergy, dermatitis or eczema. Proper skin, ear and eye hygiene can help to keep the dog allergy-free.

In spring, it’s very important to deworm your dog and, above all, protect them from the mosquito that transmits leishmaniasis and from ticks and fleas, which cause serious diseases. There are several effective systems on the market such as deworming collars, pipettes and tablets.

We must also be aware of possible insect stings such as wasps or spider bites, which can occasionally cause an allergic reaction.

There’s one more reason why a dog may scratch insistently: stress or anxiety. We can observe when they scratch, in case some situations stress them and their way of relieving themselves is by scratching. In this case, you can consult a behaviouralist to solve the problem.

How do you clean a dog’s ears?

Ear care for dogs is always very important, but even more so in spring, when dogs are at risk of infection or otitis. Dogs tolerate pain very well, so it’s likely that, even if they have otitis, they will not show it in their behaviour. Therefore, it’s very important to clean the ear regularly to check for any abnormalities inside the ear, such as secretions or even blood.

Your vet can advise you on some natural ear-cleaning products that are easy to apply. Simply put some of the product on a sterile gauze pad and clean the inner part of the ear very carefully, as this is a very delicate area. Once a week is ideal.

How do you clean a dog’s eyes?

Pollen and certain plant particles can cause conjunctivitis and eye allergies in dogs. In spring, we must take extreme precautions, as they can also suffer from small ulcers caused by a blow from a plant or stick.

To avoid this, we recommend cleaning their eyes daily with a sterile gauze with a physiological saline solution. Cleaning should be done with the utmost care on the outside of the eye, making sure that there are no particles inside the eye.

How to care for a dog’s coat?

Dogs' coats should be groomed daily, both for their own hygiene and that of the people with whom they live. For a healthy and shiny coat, we must feed them a healthy diet of good quality food, preferably natural, either cooked or raw. It’s also important to brush them daily and give them a regular bath. How often depends on the dog's coat type and breed. If in doubt, always ask for advice from your vet.