How to play with a cat: activities to play with your pet 

Discover the importance of playing with your cat and find a variety of activities to enjoy together safely. Don’t miss out!



Lifestyle has an impact on well-being, and the way a cat behaves. It is true that cats sleep for many hours a day but, for that very reason, their level of activity when they are awake is extremely intense. In the case of domestic cats, this more physical aspect is sometimes reduced through being ignored or a lack of attention, which leads to cats that are bored or overweight. 

Playing with your cat will improve their quality of life and their relationship with you. You might be more familiar with games for dogs like throwing a ball or frisbee and rewarding them if they follow your orders, among other things, but are there activities for cats?

How to play with a cat?

At some point, you are bound to have asked yourself how to play with a cat and what activities might interest them. Let’s discover some ideas for playing with cats and improve their time in the home:

  • Hunting toys: they are usually the most highly recommended and is often the toy cats value the most. They may contain feathers or just be a fluffy toy. It is a way of adapting a game to their hunting instinct.
  • Toys to stimulate intelligence: toys like circuits with a ball or that operate as food dispensers combine both physical and mental stimulation. In this case, they don’t involve the participation of the pet’s owner.
  • Hide and seek: hide behind a column or door and call your cat so he/she comes to find you. Once they find you, congratulate them warmly and give them a reward.
  • Exploration through smell: hide different aromatic herbs in an empty toilet roll which is more or less closed. This way, the cat will have a fantastic time discovering new things and activating their smell for something they aren’t used to in their home.

Now you’ve read these recommendations, there are no more excuses not to play with a cat. Understanding their time and giving them attention, despite their undeniable independence, is important in order to provide a healthy and happy life to your pet. 

Tips for playing safely with your cat

All pets are different. Therefore, it is worth bearing in mind that what works for one might not work for another. Here we give you some tips to help your cat to feel active and energised:

  • Cats usually prefer toys that move. If there is a toy on the floor and it doesn’t move, the cat may not pay it any attention. Try to spend some time during the day interacting with them.
  • If you have more than one cat at home, it is important to set time aside for each one separately.
  • Cats are creatures of habit, so schedule playtime in their routine and remember: if the cat doesn't want to play, don’t force it.
  • When you’ve finished the play session, we recommend putting the toys away so they don’t get bored of them.
  • As they grow, cats change their way of playing. Young cats are more eager and have more energy, but older cats prefer massage or relaxation time with their owner.
  • Cats love boxes or tubes of cardboard, plastic bottles and balls of wool. Therefore, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on toys, you just need to know what they like and turn it into something that is fun and boosts their well-being.