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Chocolate in carob powder
After picking a few kilos of carob from the tree or recently fallen on the ground, the seeds are collected with the tip of a knife and they are chopped into tiny pieces; they are then placed in a bowl in the microwave for around 6 minutes (turning them over so they become toasted without burning).
When cold, they are ground in an electric coffee grinder and turned into a powder which is similar in colour and taste to chocolate.
Finally, you can spread this powder on slices of bread for breakfast (with or without butter), or add to any confectionary or ice cream product that can be made at home, without adding sugar.

Egg white flan
For the flan
- 4 egg whites
- 60 grams sugar
Fort the caramel:
- 175 g white sugar
- 100 ml water
Beat the egg whites with the sugar to make a meringue. While they are getting put together, make the caramel. Put the water and
sugar in a saucepan. Mix well and leave over medium heat without stirring until the caramel has formed. You'll know it's done when it's
smooth and has a tan colour. Put the caramel in the flan or mould. Add the beaten egg whites and put it in the oven in a bain-marie: in other words, place the mould in a container with water for 25 minutes at 180 ºC. When it cools, turn it over. It is super fluffy!
Perfect hot chocolate
Pour milk into the cup you'll be using and add chocolate powder to taste; no need to dissolve or stir. Place the cup in the microwave on high power and, when the chocolate settles at the bottom, take it out and stir well. Put it back in the microwave until you see the chocolate rise to the cup's edge, and it's ready to enjoy once it's cooled down slightly!
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