How to make homemade slime

If you have small children, the name of one of the most popular toys won’t sound like double Dutch to you. Slime is a viscous substance that stretches, shrinks and sticks that children love. Very similar to 'blandiblú', the main difference is that slime, also known as gorilla snot, can be made at home.

child care


Each generation has its games. Pogs, trading cards, the yo-yo, the spinning top or jump rope were some of the most popular a few decades ago. Today the toy making a sensation among the smallest children is called slime. It is a substance very similar to 'blandiblú', but with the distinctive feature that it can be made at home, which has made it one of the most popular handicrafts of the season.

Slime, also known as gorilla snot, can be bought pre-made, although the real fun for kids is to make it at home. So much so that the most searched tutorial on Google last year was about how to make slime. In 2017 alone it got 87 million searches, while on Instagram it got more than 5 million posts. Experts in psychopedagogy have highlighted the benefits of slime within the framework of infant education. According to them it helps sensory learning through recognizing different textures, sizes and shapes as well as on a motor level it favours muscle tone and motility.

The most searched tutorial on Google last year was about how to make slime

Making slime at home is very easy. On the internet you can find hundreds of recipes to produce this substance, but you must keep in mind that some of these tutorials use products that, in the long run and with continued contact with the skin, can cause irritation. In the case of borax, or sodium borate, a compound that uses detergents employed in the production of slime, contact can eventually cause blisters and burns on the hand.


• White glue

• Liquid dish soap

• Food colouring

• Water


1. Put two spoonfuls of white glue in a plastic container, add 3 drops of food colouring in whichever colour you want and stir well until the mixture is uniform. If you want a more intense colour now is the time to add a few more drops of colouring. You can also add glitter or sequins.

2. In another container put two spoonfuls of liquid dish soap and one spoonful of water and mix until the two components are fully mixed.

3. Lastly, add the two mixtures together and stir without stopping until a substance forms which you must then knead until it has the right consistency.

If the mixture turns out very dry, add a little water to make it more liquid. And if is too liquid, you should add more white glue.