A child who reads will be an adult who thinks
Tips to encourage reading among the little ones

child care

With the unquestionable presence of new technologies in childrenās lives, to which we must add extra-curricular activities and homework, we are parking, almost without realising it, something as simple as reading a book. However, the study also indicates that the number of people who read books in digital format has grown to 23.2% (6% only read in digital format and 17.2% read in both formats). The digital reader is a more intensive reader, reading an average of 13.2 books per year, compared to 11.2 books for readers who only read paper copy.
Encouraging reading at any age is always synonymous with enrichment, but today this is more complicated. There's no place in the world where we don't see an adult with an electronic device in their hand. And since the example is a very powerful tool, we are transmitting that habit to children, almost without realising it. Therefore, starting with our own home, we should aim to mitigate that effect as much as possible, while reinstating the habit of reading and involving our children.
There is no wider domain of knowledge than that which books offer us, because reading helps us to think and opens our minds. When we read, we are nourished by the imagination and reasoning that others have captured on blank sheets of paper, and we become more receptive the more we open ourselves up to it.
Early reading
From when children are only a few months old, even though they are still babies, they have direct contact with reading. They can see photos, point to objects in a book and, in short, associate words with the illustrations that define them. In this way they learn the importance of language, almost without realising it.
From that very first moment, we are already stimulating children's imagination and their understanding of the world around them, as well as developing their language and listening skills.
That's why reading is so important. Even as children learn to read for themselves, it is important to continue reading aloud to them. Children need the example of their parents in order to feel that reading is not an obligation but a moment of rest, tranquillity and also of leisure.

The 'superpowers' of stories
-They develop memory, creativity and imagination.
-They enrich their vocabulary.
-They help them to manage conflicts and to recognise emotions.
-They develop thinking and analytical skills.
-They improve their relationship with the adult and the parent-child bond.
-They expand their sensitivity.
-They help them overcome their own fears.
-They facilitate the symbolism process.
-They develop the ability to listen and pay attention.
-They encourage the habit of reading.
-They help children better understand the world.
-They help to improve spelling.
-They keep boredom at bay.
As they grow up, a child who reads will become an adult with ideas of his or her own and have a strong mindset.
5 games to motivate children to read
1. Put a voice to the story: Children love to act out stories, so if instead of reading a book, play with voices and sounds, you'll hang on their attention.
2. Do theatre: children love to imitate, so take advantage of the occasion and stage the story. It's a good exercise to let your fantasy fly.
3. The story in drawings: the older the child, the fewer illustrations there are in the books. Encourage them to draw comic characters, even invent new ones. This boosts their creativity and logical thinking.
4. Create a new ending: a good way to develop the imagination is to change the end of the stories. This involves the child more in the story and helps them to reflect on what they have read, contributing their own personality.
5. Music to read to: we can accompany the reading with songs that the child likes. So, as the child listens to the song, they can read the lyrics and sing. In this way you will stimulate their ability to concentrate.