At what age do teeth come through?

The appearance of the first teeth is a vital moment for little ones. Find out about the teething phases of your baby and the usual ages at which their milk teeth start to come through and in which order.

child care


One of the most frequent questions amongst first-time parents is “at what age to babies’ first teeth come through?” This frequent and common doubt cannot be answered generically since not all babies’ teeth come through at the same time. We must remember that each child’s development is different and personal. If the appearance of teeth is delayed, this is not due to a lack of calcium, so it is not necessary to give calcium supplements. If you have any concern about your baby’s teething, the best thing to do is see the paediatrician who will have an exact control over their growth and can give professional advice.

Baby’s first teeth

In general, the first incisor appears in the baby’s mouth towards the age of six months, but this date can vary. The age of the first teeth varies between 4 months and 8 months. If teething occurs early, it can begin at 3 months.  If it is delayed, it can take place at one year or more.

The first teeth are usually the incisors, meaning the teeth at the front and middle of the mouth, on both jaws. After these, the premolars appear. This usually happens at between 10 and 16 months. The canines appear at between 16 and 20 months. Finally, the second molars come through at between 20 and 30 months.

Signs that the teeth are coming through

A few months before the first tooth appears, little ones adopt unsettled behaviour and put anything they can get their hands on into their mouth, such as soft toys and rattles, which they will try to bite nervously.

Another sign in the first phase of teething is a notable inflammation of the gums. If you touch them, you can feel the tooth that is trying to come through.  This rule doesn't work for all babies, since some fortunate ones don't suffer any symptoms and the first tooth comes through without any warning.

What food should they eat when teeth start coming through?

When they only have a few teeth, it is recommendable to give them soft foods that they can chew with their gums, such as boiled carrot or potato, lentils, rice with tomato or chickpeas.  They can also eat some harder vegetables if they are chopped finely. Well cooked pasta is another very suitable food, it can be made with mild sauces that include meat, this way introducing proteins and new flavours to their food.  

From one year onwards, it is a good time to give them fresh or soft cheese. You can also alternate the intake of soft meats, the most suitable are chicken, turkey and rabbit, with small pieces of white fish which are much less oily than blue fish.  You should pay a lot of attention to these and other foods, such as eggs or bread with gluten, since they often produce intolerances and allergies.