Yes to working from home, but not at any price

What consequences could there be from having to work at home in the medium and long-term? What practices can you follow to prevent these consequences? We give you some essential tips. Find out more about them!



This past year has been complicated from a health, social, work, family and personal viewpoint. Who could have told us that the longed-for working from home would become a both a good friend and a nightmare?

Undoubtedly, one of the most serious handicaps has been keeping ourselves safe, both physically and our mental health, in order to face the new pandemic situation. No-one, from any economic sector, has been unaffected by the new changes and the incorporation of new work technologies and methodologies: we are in a pandemic, a change of era in relation to the concept of work and our professional performance.

However, only a few consider the consequences of this new economic model based on the development of projects, our personal involvement from home, with no end time… while the rest of the family are also at home: an era of working from home and family balance.  

The pros and cons of working from home

Many companies have had to take more flexible measures in relation to working hours. At the same time, they have shown themselves to be more demanding in relation to timescales and delivery of tasks being developed. Furthermore, screens, phone and video calls have become normalised in our homes. But how does this situation affect a family that, apart from managing work and schooling, has to organise a home?

There is a lot of agreement in the fact that the model needs rethinking, in the interests of avoiding conflict between the need to work and the family. The expansion and explosion of work possibilities cannot dominate and erode our relaxation environment, where we find our longed-for wellbeing at the end of the day and at the weekend.

Even so, we need to view the glass as half full. As they say today, «opportunities are there to be taken»: who says this is not so? This is an opportunity to adapt to new ways of working and for setting new professional expectations.

If you are someone who works from home:

  • Try to set defined work times. Don’t let access to the computer, or the tablet, mean that you have to remain connected to work: this will make it easier to relax and to disconnect.
  • Limit the work space. Don’t allow any space in the home to become a place for you to do your work. Don’t allow your house to become an extension of the company. Choose and decide where, when and how you are going to work.  
  • Don’t make the most of time… In other words, working from home is not about cooking a meal while you sort out the weekly planning with your work colleagues.
  • Don’t forget to have a break from technology. Today more than ever, we need to learn how to detach ourselves from the technological devices we work with. Enjoy your free time without any technology.
  • Look after your health and relaxation. We have entered into a greater level of sedentariness and a greater exposure to screens, which make relaxation more difficult. This makes it even more necessary to place limits on their use and to do some physical activities outdoors. This will undoubtedly have an impact on the quality of your sleep.