The role of grandparents has been, and continues to be, essential within society. Let’s give them the homage they deserve. 



Always willing to do anything, giving up their plans, making their children’s lives more tolerable, helping in the house, out of school comings-and-goings, preparing food for two, three, four or more at the last minute, but above all, for not complaining about anything. If grandparents are anything, it is reflection, patience, unconditional love, home and refuge.  

Working grandmothers and taking care of the family

Although grandparents’ dedication to their children and grandchildren has always been there, in recent years, these relationships have changed, in the same way as the family way of life.  While in the past, we had our grandmothers at home, today, many of them, mostly from the Baby Boom generation, continue to work without being able to see the time for their retirement. Meanwhile, they juggle things in order to find a balance with their children in bringing up and caring for their grandchildren.  

This is a generation that, due to their social conscience and their responsibility towards the family, will sacrifice itself in order to give everything, as has been shown in difficult times of economic crises and, currently, during the pandemic that we are living through.  

Moreover, in many cases, grandparents have been an economic support and necessary back-up for their children’s domestic chores, being an essential part of the economy and, once again, sacrificing their savings to improve the family’s wellbeing. 

But take note, because we should look after our grandparents, as there is a very serious risk of overburdening them, as much economically, psychologically or physically. The babyboomers generation does not complain, they are simply there for everything they are needed for.

Therefore “grandparentage” may become “super-grandparentage” when they attend to various generations in the same or different home simultaneously.

For this reason, we need to look after them and thank them for everything they have done, that they do and that they will do for us.

Why are grandparents important?

  • Grandparents help to pass on family values such as tolerance, respect and patience and to maintain the link between the generations, contributing to the emotional development of the children. In this way, the children learn to relate to people of different generations who can also be a great support. 
  • Moreover, grandparents are also important for entertaining and playing with children, making it beneficial for both. 
  • And if that wasn’t enough, they become an example to follow, which, with time, engenders a great deal of trust towards them.