Properties of matcha tea

Matcha tea is a tea powder with a high nutritional value and antioxidant properties. We tell you how to prepare and enjoy it.

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Propiedades del té matcha

With a high nutritional value and impressive anti-oxidant properties, matcha tea has become one of the preferred drinks of those who like to look after themselves. 

There is a drink capable of exceeding the benefits of tea and at the same time stimulating as much as coffee. It is called matcha tea and, although it has only recently arrived in the west, in Japan it is a very well-known drink made popular by the Zen monks who drink it during long days of meditation.

Matcha is a powdered green tea made of ground tea leaves that have significant benefits. After a special process of growing, harvesting and drying, the whole leaf of the green tea is crushed to obtain a rich green coloured powder which multiplies the benefits of green tea. When infusing the tea we usually drink, most of the nutrients are left in the plant’s leaves whereas when it is crushed, it maintains its properties and they are fully ingested. The only way of taking full advantage of the potential of vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and amino acids of tea is by consuming the entire leaf.

A quality matcha stands out for its bright colour and fresh, sweet, vegetable aroma. In terms of taste, your palate might not recognise it at first, it is called the fifth taste or 
umami.  In Japan, this tea powder is also used in desserts to make cakes, milkshakes, ice cream, puddings and other western desserts.

How to make matcha tea

The traditional way of making it is to whisk it in hot water using a bamboo whisk, although you can also use a traditional whisk or milk frother. Matcha usually comes in canisters or jars. For a cup you need half a teaspoon. The most important thing when making it is not to add boiling water. The water should boil and be left to stand for five minutes before adding the tea. Being powder, it doesn't completely dissolve and usually remains grainy if it isn’t whisked.

Propiedades del té matcha

Benefits of matcha tea

- Anti-oxidant Action
Matcha tea is rich in natural flavonoids called catechins, with anti-oxidant properties.

- It helps with weight loss

Drinking green tea increases thermogenesis or the rate at which the body burns calories. In addition, the number of polyphenols matcha contains helps to speed up the metabolism.

- Energising and relaxing at the same time
Matcha tea stimulates us and keeps us alert thanks to the caffeine, but at the same time it provides a state of relaxation and concentration thanks to the L-theanine.