How to take care of the health of your pets in summer: heat, fatigue...

We all love summer and, of course, our pets do too. It is a fantastic time to be outdoors and enjoy nature, but, due to the heat and humidity we have in the environment, we must also increase precautions to take care of the health of our animals.



Cuida de la salud de tu mascota

Precautions for dogs

Dogs are the pets that most enjoy summer outdoor activities, so they are also the most exposed. However, with a few simple precautions, you can avoid the most common conditions in summer, such as otitis, dermatitis, allergy, gastrointestinal disorders and, of course, the feared internal and external parasites. In the event of your pet contracting any disease, we recommend you take it to the vet.

How to prevent and detect some diseases:

- Dermatitis and skin problems, as well as allergic reactions are very common in summer due to environmental bacteria and other particles, such as pollen, dust or mites. You will detect them because the dog will scratch a lot or there may be changes in its fur. One way to prevent dermatitis and skin allergies is to bathe your dog with an antiseptic shampoo.

- Otitis can also be caused by humidity in the environment, so also take precautions when you go out to the mountains and check the dog’s ears when in areas with spiky plants, as the spikes can get into the ears and cause infections.

In summer, you should always keep the drinking water for the animals clean and in a cool place in the house, avoid giving homemade food and don’t go out during the hottest hours of the day when there is more sun. By following this, you can prevent gastrointestinal problems, burns on the pads and heat stroke.

- Keep vaccines and anti-parasitic treatments up to date, especially, in summer. Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes can transmit dangerous diseases to our dogs. Our best allies are anti-parasitic collars and pipettes, as well as internal deworming tablets.

Cuida de la salud de tu mascota

 The sun and cats

Heat also affects cats, which can suffer from dog-like ailments such as otitis, dermatitis, allergies and conjunctivitis. These conditions can be caused by plants, pollen or food, and some of the symptoms are coughing, sneezing, runny nose, abnormalities in the coat, skin infections, vomiting and diarrhoea.

In the case of cats, it is absolutely vital to take care of the water, as they need a lot of water to combat heat, so make sure it is fresh and clean. It is also very important that the sun does not shine directly onto their food or water. If you go on a trip, cats can become very stressed and it is recommended that they stay at home under the supervision of an acquaintance who can look after them.

Small Animals

Other animals, such as guinea pigs, rabbits or hamsters require special diet and drinking water care during the summer, which must always be kept very clean. If your pets are fish, it is very important to take extreme precautions with the aquarium, watching the temperature so that it does not vary and trying not to place it in direct sunlight.