Types of shopping consumers

What type of person are you when you are shopping?: Saver, senior, practical, millennial, foodie? Discover the consumer types that exist and make the most of your shopping. 

how to shop


Tell me what you are like, what your preferences and interests are and I will tell you the best way to make the most of your shopping, whether to save money, time or resources. Knowing what type of consumer you are may help you to get the most from your shopping, particularly when going to the supermarket. As in any other facet of life, knowing yourself helps you to know what you are looking for, keeping your priorities in mind to get the most benefit from your shopping

Types of consumers


  • Profile: 48-58 years old, married with dependent children, with a partner who is unemployed or has taken early retirement, likes exercising and going to the cinema, uses Facebook as her main social network and tends to inform herself through the internet or through her group of friends.
  • Among her priorities is cooking each day and keeping the fridge full of food that her children like, and she likes to take advantage of offers and promotions.
  • Advice: look for the offers and promotions that are always available in the supermarket, particularly in the fresh produce sections such as the meat and fish counters.


  • Profile: over 60 years old, married, with children and grandchildren, retired, likes walking and doing charity work, uses Facebook and WhatsApp and informs herself through the staff in the shops and through her closest social circle.
  • They like to spend time with their family, cook innovative recipes and prepare food in containers for the family, she prioritises saving money when shopping but without losing out on quality. She likes to buy fresh produce at the counter and doesn’t like it when they change the location of products.
  • Advice: ask supermarket staff about offers and promotions and make the most of the staff’s knowledge at assisted shopping sections, such as the meat and fish counters.


  • Profile: 35-45 years old, married with children, works in an office or shop, her preferred social network is Facebook and she enjoys exercise, spending time with the family and surfing the internet.
  • Prioritises maintaining a balanced diet and saves time on shopping so that she can spend it with her family, so she opts for shopping online, and in an emergency, she tends to go to the nearest shop. It is usually more important for her to save time rather than money.
  • Advice: make the most of online shopping, even for fresh and frozen foods, as well as for the new technological items in use, such as labelling or more images of each product.


  • 25-35 years old, single, her main social network is Instagram and she tends to inform herself through her surroundings and through influencers.
  • Prioritises buying products that don’t require a lot of handling or use of plastic, and prefers products in bulk, she cares about products that promote sustainable development and looks for eco-friendly products because she considers them to be of better quality. And she does not like queues.
  • Advice: look on the internet for eco, bio or vegan products before going to the supermarket, inform yourself on the removal or substitution of plastic in packaging and opt for online shopping to avoid the queues.


  • Tend to be males of 30-38 years of age, single, and usually live alone, likes to travel, jogging, and cycling. His preferred social networks are Twitter and WhatsApp and he tends to inform himself through the internet and through his social circle.
  • He likes to prepare sophisticated recipes at weekends, when he has more time, he doesn’t mind spending a little more on gourmet products and he opts for unprocessed, easy to cook products. As he doesn’t have much time, he does his shopping online where he looks for smaller pack sizes adapted for single people, but he likes to buy fresh, locally-grown produce because he thinks it is more natural.
  • Advice: find out about the new, smaller formats that can be found in the supermarket, find out about their origin, the new items available on the fresh produce counters and the gourmet products in the store.