When can puppies go outside? 

When can puppies go outside? Tips and guide on the appropriate age and necessary precautions to keep your puppy safe.



A puppy’s first walk is a truly exciting event, but you are bound to have lots of questions before taking that first walk with your pet. For example, when can puppies go outside?, can I take my dog out without being vaccinated?

No matter how much we want to take our furry friend out for a walk, the most important thing is to guarantee their health and well-being. Among other things, this means that they must be properly vaccinated. Vaccines aren’t just crucial for boosting animals’ immune systems and to ensure they grow healthy and strong, they also prevent serious diseases like distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza or rabies.

When can my puppy go outside for the first time?

So, taking into consideration the issue of vaccines, when can my puppy go outside for the first time? In general, three or four months is the age that puppies are considered to be ready to start going outside into public spaces. The first vaccine is given at between six and eight weeks, and the second dose and boosters, at around twelve weeks. Once this first cycle is complete, the puppy is ready to explore the outside world, and that’s not all, because they will be able to socialise with other dogs too.

It is worth remembering that you shouldn’t carry your puppy in your arms out in public spaces until after this time, since their immune system won't be fully developed. You will need to wait until this time to be able to take your puppy out for a walk. Your patience will pay off when you can go out with your pet and take a walk with them.

Even if the puppy doesn’t step foot out onto the street during their first weeks of life, during this time it is important to monitor them at home, since they may ingest substances or objects accidentally. There is no need for so many precautions once they reach the age of five months, since this is when the puppy is considered to have developed 99% of its immune capacity and is, therefore, safer from potential diseases.

Can I chip my puppy?

The short answer is yes: you can and you should. The chip for puppies is a very useful tool, since it is a method of boosting the dog’s safety. The chip is simply a small device that helps to identify the animal and that, if lost or left somewhere, can help to locate him or her (hence it is recommended that the details are kept up to date for complete efficiency). Additionally, the microchip is not just an option, it is also a legal requirement in many places.

In addition to the above, it is also advisable for the puppy to have an ID tag on his or her collar, where you can also include information such as your address or telephone number.

How to take my dog out for the first time

To ensure the experience is as positive and safe as possible, we give you some tips for the first time you take your dog out for a walk:

  • Choose a quiet place that isn’t crowded. Avoid noisy parks or streets with lots of people and animals. When it comes to how long you can take a puppy out for, it’s best to make the first walk short, around ten or fifteen minutes. Keep an eye on your puppy at all times and if they become tired or are waning, take them back home. There will be plenty of time to keep exploring and discovering the outside world.
  • Make sure you have the correct equipment; in other words, items and utensils like a collar or lead. You can also think about using a harness, although, depending on the breed, this may be more or less suitable.
  • Take some snacks to reward your puppy if he or she behaves well during the walk. It will be a reward for them and motivation to go out for a walk. Don’t forget to take fresh water and a bowl, particularly if it’s hot, as well as poo bags to pick up after them.
  • Be patient, the puppy will take time to adapt to this new place that is outside of the house. Let them smell and observe things at their own pace, quietly and calmly.
  • Avoid interacting with unknown dogs until you are completely sure of how they behave and, above all, when you know their health status. In the same vein, don’t take the puppy off the lead to start with, keep them under control, since you won't know how they will react to different stimuli at first.

How long can I take my puppy out for?

As a minimum, you should take a puppy out three times a day. Being outside not only allows them to go to the toilet, but also allows them to exercise and socialise. In any case, this isn’t a fixed amount, since the number of times the dog needs to go out will depend on the puppy and their specific needs. Some dogs, for example, need to go out five or six times per day.

What if my puppy doesn’t want to go out?

Don’t worry, it’s normal for a puppy to be reluctant to go out for a walk, especially at the beginning. In this situation, we recommend patience and calmness above all. You can take a gradual approach, taking him or her out each day for a short time until they start to enjoy it. You can also use treats, toys or words of encouragement as motivation.

If your puppy doesn’t want to go out at first, it is even more important for the atmosphere to be quiet and safe, and avoid over stimulation (particularly in the beginning). We are sure that your puppy will gradually start to enjoy walks and have a fantastic time.