How to make a plant drink with oats

All you need is water and oats: an oat drink is easy to prepare, it is nutritious and delicious. We explain how you can make it at home.

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When we say an oat drink, in reality, we are referring to a plant drink, which is created when the cereal is blended with water. As it does not contain any dairy products it is an option which is very much in demand by vegans, and increasingly by the general public.

This is due to its properties and benefits. A plant drink made from oats has very important levels of protein and healthy fats, as well as containing good quantities of vitamins and minerals. Equally, it concentrates the goodness of the oats, for example its high fibre content, which aids digestion, prevents constipation and provides the immune system with beta glucans.

It can be consumed at any time of the day, hot or cold, on its own or with coffee. It goes well with fruit and chocolate, and it is good for making desserts.  It can be used in as many ways as you can imagine, so it will be useful for you to have a recipe for home-made oat drink to hand.

Do you want to know how to make your own oat drink?

How to make an oat drink

Ingredients oatmeal vegetable drink (makes 1 litre)

- 90 grams of oat flakes

-  1 litre of water


-  Soak the oat flakes.
When they are hydrated, strain them and add them to the blender.
Then, blend the oat flakes with one litre of water.
Once they are blended, strain the mixture to create a smooth drink.

Ideas for the oat drink

 Easy, cheap and quick to make. It takes less than 10 minutes to make an oat drink. You can use the liquid as a drink and use the remaining flakes for other dishes.  If you want to give it a personal touch, you can also add vanilla, cinnamon or honey to the finished oat milk.

How soon should it be consumed?

It can be stored in the fridge for 3 to 4 days. From then on, you decide if you want some porridge, a shake or to dunk some biscuits.