Artichokes with poached egg, ham and mandarin vinaigrette

Prepare a dish of artichokes with ham and egg and enjoy the benefits of this vegetable. A delicious and easy-to-follow recipe, what are you waiting for?

on today's menu




1. Start by preparing the vinaigrette. To do this, chop the almonds using a pestle and mortar and to this, add the oil, salt, juice and zest of the mandarin. Stir the mixture and reserve.

2. Wash the artichokes, cut into quarters and put them to one side. 

3. In a bowl, add a little water together with some fresh parsley leaves and the lemon juice. Add the pre-cut artichokes so they don't oxidise. 

4. Drain the artichokes and sear them in a frying pan with a drop of hot oil. Add the garlic and ham until they are browned.

5. Make the poached egg. To do this, break the egg into a bowl with vinegar and cook it in a pan of boiling water.

6. Place the egg on top of the artichokes and drizzle the dish with the mandarin vinaigrette.