Cherimoya: properties and benefits for our health
Get to know the main properties of cherimoya for your health. Discover its medicinal properties, its benefits, what vitamins it has and more.

fresh food

Cherimoya is a fruit with a heart shape and a size similar to a grapefruit. Its skin, thin and fragile, is green in colour and is characterised by the fact that it has scales which resemble the skin of a reptile. Its meat is white, with a fleshy texture and a sweet taste -something like a cross between pineapple, mango and strawberry - it has many large black seeds which come off easily.
It is an Andean product and, although it is tropical, it is grown in high places. Hence its name - in Quechua 'chirimuya' means cold seeds, for germinating at high altitudes.
Originally from the Peruvian Andes and the mountains of Ecuador, the Spaniards called it 'white delicacy' when they discovered it in America and were responsible for bringing it to Europe. Currently, Spain is the world's leading producer of cherimoya with 80% of the total, mainly on the coast of Granada, in the municipalities of Almuñécar, Jete, Otivar and Salobreña.
Cherimoya is a fruit which ripens between autumn and winter, the best time to enjoy its flavour and properties.
Spain is the world's leading producer of cherimoya with 80% of the total,

Main properties of cherimoya
- It contains 20% carbohydrates, mainly glucose and fructose. This makes it a good source of energy and it has a higher caloric value: a small cherimoya of 200 grams provides 172 calories.
- It has vitamins of group B and vitamin C, as well as good amounts of potassium.
- It is low in fat.
Benefits of cherimoya for your health
- It contributes to the formation of collagen and the protection of cells against oxidative damage, thanks to its vitamin C content.
- It helps regulate blood pressure thanks to its level of potassium and its low sodium content.
- It also contains fibre, which improves intestinal transit.
- In addition, being rich in vitamin B6, cherimoya helps to regulate hormonal activity and, together with vitamin C, it helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.