5 homemade detox smoothie recipes
Discover the benefits of detox smoothies and learn how to make one at home. We’ll share five homemade recipes and tips to improve your well-being. Don’t miss it!

fresh food

What is a detox smoothie?
The body needs to eliminate toxins and one of the best ways to do this is through food, such as a detox smoothie. What are detox smoothies exactly? They are drinks made with vegetables and fruit, ready to drink on the spot, that help to cleanse and purify the body and at the same time provide an injection of vitamins – benefits all round!
What is a detox smoothie for? Properties and benefits
So, what is the purpose of a detox smoothie? It has interesting benefits, both for the purification and oxygenation actions on your blood, as well as the vitamins and minerals it provides. It also slows down cellular ageing, reduces anxiety, strengthens the immune system, improves the skin and mucous membranes of the stomach and oesophagus, and helps with fluid retention.

5 detox smoothie recipes
Detox smoothies or green smoothies, as they are also sometimes called, include all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and today we’ll introduce you to some that you can prepare easily and conveniently at home.
For example, the best detox smoothie for weight loss is considered to be the green juice with celery and ginger. To prepare it, simply use a stick of celery, ten spinach leaves, half a cucumber, a teaspoon of ginger, five sprigs of parsley and a glass of water. This type of drink will also work great for eliminating fluids and improving digestive health.
Another detox smoothie that helps lose weight is the green kale juice. This requires two kale leaves, an apple, six spinach leaves, the juice of an orange and a little ginger. It’s healthy and nutritious and can be enjoyed in the morning to start the day off strong.
Another option for a detox smoothie is green juice with kiwi, which is particularly suitable for detoxifying the body. In addition to kiwi, of course, you will need cucumber, green apple, cinnamon and a sprig of parsley. Another delicious smoothie rich in antioxidants and vitamins is from spinach, the main protagonist. Spinach contains antioxidants and, together with banana and 750 ml of milk, makes a sublime smoothie.
When it comes to detox smoothies, you can’t miss a green juice with pineapple, which can be easily made with half a pineapple, four apples, five leaves of lettuce and a stick of celery . With these detox smoothie ideas, you have no excuses for not starting to take better care of yourself.