Valencian Chivito: what is it and how is it made?

Learn how to prepare an authentic Valencian chivito with our easy, delicious recipe. Surprise everyone with this typical dish from Valencia.

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What is the Valencian chivito?

The chivito is a delicious sandwich, originally from Uruguayan. Although no one knows for sure how it has become so iconic in Valencia, the Valencian chivito is extremely popular and has become a classic in the bars of the region. Filled with pork fillets, bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, fried egg and mayonnaise, it’s the perfect sandwich to replenish your energy after a long day, and a tasty snack to share with friends during a day at the beach.

The good news is that you can also make a chivito at home. Make sure you have all the ingredients and a good chivito recipe to hand. Although the most common way to make it is with fresh pork fillets, this snack is so versatile that the pork can be swapped out for chicken breast, turkey or even beef (as in the Uruguayan version, where it’s also made with mozzarella).

What are the ingredients in a chivito?

These are the ingredients you will need to make a chivito:

  • 3 pork sirloin steaks
  • 3 slices of smoked bacon
  • 4 slices of cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • mixed lettuce
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 sandwich roll
  • mayonnaise
  • extra virgin olive oil

Chivito recipe

Follow this chivito recipe, and it will be delicious!

  1. The first thing to do is to put a frying pan on the fire with a little olive oil. When it’s very hot, start frying the steaks. When they are done, put them aside covered on a plate so they stay hot.
  2. Next, put the bacon in the same pan and let it brown on both sides. Meanwhile, open the bread and toast it on both sides to give your chivito an extra special touch.
  3. Grill the eggs with a few extra drops of olive oil.
  4. Now it’s time to assemble the sandwich. Put a good spoonful of mayonnaise on the bottom slice of bread, and add the lettuce and tomato slices on top.
  5. In the next layer, put the loin fillets.
  6. Then add the cheese, folding the slices.
  7. Next, it’s the bacon’s turn to be added to the chivito.
  8. The finishing touch is the eggs, which should be placed on top of the bacon. The only thing left to do is to put the other half of the bread on top and... we already have our delicious Valencian chivito!