Courgette properties

 The small cousin of the pumpkin, the courgette belongs to the curcubitaceae family of which cucumbers, melons or watermelons are also part. Their main characteristic is that they come from plants that grow at ground level.

fresh food


Although the origin of this vegetable has not been fully discovered, as it may be from America or Asia, what is known is that it has been consumed in many parts of the world for centuries.


  • Low in calories and with a high water content, recommended for people who want to lose weight.
  • A source of vitamin C, helps protect cells from oxidative damage and promotes the absorption of iron.
  • A source of fibre, which favours intestinal transit.
  • A source of folic acid, which helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.


There is a large number of varieties, but in Spain the most frequent are:

According to colour:

  • White: mild flavour
  • Green: more intense flavour and personality.

Acording to shape:

  • Round: the most suitable for stuffing.
  • Long straight neck
  • Long curved neck

Storage and use 

It is recommended to choose courgettes with a firm and compact texture and with good weight in relation to their size. The vegetable can be eaten with or without skin and it is possible to store it in good condition for up to two weeks at the right temperature.

Although its mild flavour gives it a reputation for being boring, it offers many possibilities in the kitchen, from lighter recipes to more filling dishes.

Another option to liven up your courgette recipes is to use spices, such as curry or turmeric or aromatic herbs such as mint, basil or dill with which it 'marries' very well.