Cream of pumpkin soup with curry
Ingredients for 6 people:
750 g pumpkin - 2 onions - 4 garlic cloves - 2 bay leaves - 1.5 L homemade poultry stock - Thick cooking cream - Olive oil - Lemon zest - Walnuts - Curry - Salt flakes and freshly ground pepper

To season the cream, a little help from a creative person during the last step would be good to leave a perfect and attractive dish. The presentation is very important!
1. Whilst we preheat the oven at 180º, we chop the pumpkin, onion and garlic and put them in a pan with a generous quantity of olive oil. We put it in the oven for 35 minutes.
2. Once everything is well-baked, we add the poultry stock and bay leaves, and cook on a low heat for another half hour.
3. We crush everything and add a large spoonful of cream to make the texture creamier. We can also add a little stock to make it more liquid, depending on tastes.
4. If necessary, we reduce the cream on a low heat and finally we season. We serve with a sprinkle of curry powder, lemon zest, pepper and ground walnut, if we wish.