Fish cuts: types and uses
Knowing the different cuts of fish that exist will allow us to adapt our recipes and obtain perfect results in each dish. Get the most out of your knife in the kitchen.

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Fish is part of our Mediterranean diet. Present in countless dishes, it has become indispensable in every home. Fish is easy to cook and supports a multitude of preparations. However, we must know what type of preparation is best suited to each species or recipe. In the following article we will show you what fish cuts there are and the most representative ones, along with their benefits, recipes and other uses of this exceptional food.
Types of fish cuts
Among the main cuts of fish we find the following:
• Fillets: are the most common cuts of fish. They can be performed on both large and small fish. The good thing about this type of preparation is that the thorn can be removed. Fish fillet cuts are perfect for grilling, Roman or baked.
• Slice: along with fillets and loins, they are the best known and most popular cuts of fish. To make fish cuts into slices, the piece must be cut vertically. In this way, the skin of the fish remains intact and the slice will always have a bone in the center. Sliced fish cuts are perfect for boiled, sauced or battered fish recipes.
• Medallion: as with beef or pork, a type of piece called a "medallion" can also be removed from the lean meat of the fish. The medallions are cuts of fish without skin or bones, which are obtained from the slices. Medallion cuts of fish are perfect for elaborate stews, as well as for people who do not like to find bones in the dish.
• Trancha: this is one of the least known cuts of fish. We say that a fish is sliced when the piece is opened from the head to the tail, making a cut perpendicular to the main bone. In this way, the fish is separated into two parts, but without removing the skin or the bones. Large oval and flat fish, such as turbot, are usually cut in this way. The sliced fish cuts are ideal for cooking the pieces in the oven.
• Tacos: it is a cut of fish that consists of obtaining pieces without bones or skin of the largest fish. The cuts of fish in tacos are usually irregular and are used for stews or, in smaller cuts, for ceviche or tartar recipes.
• Loins: the cuts of fish in loins are made for the elaboration of medallions. To do this, an incision is made along the central spine, so that the loin can be cut as close as possible to the spine, to get the maximum meat.The cuts of fish in loins are very grateful for any fish recipe.
• Supreme: the cuts of fish called “suprema” are obtained once the loins of the fish have been separated. Their shape is rectangular and they are generally obtained from large fish, such as salmon or hake.

Benefits of fish
Nutrition experts advise that we eat between 3 and 4 servings of fish a week, since it is a very complete food that provides us with proteins of high biological value, vitamins and minerals, among other nutrients. Discover 5 benefits of fish, below.
1. It is easily digestible: fish has less collagen in its composition than meat. And it is that, the less collagen a food has, the more tender and digestive it is.
2. Rich in protein: fish, like eggs, meat and some vegetables, is a source of protein. Proteins are vital macromolecules for cell growth and their intake is especially relevant at different stages of human development, such as childhood, adolescence, pregnancy or even during lactation. In addition, protein is an essential nutrient for maintaining muscle mass that is lost with age, especially in women close to menopause.
3. It has few calories: so it is a perfect option for those who are on diets or who watch their weight more. In addition, a serving of fish contains less fat than a serving of meat… And its fats are healthier! Of course, remember that oily fish varieties contain more healthy fats than lean or white fish varieties.
4. Helps proper development: any variety of fish is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, phosphorus, vitamins from groups A and B. In addition, fish is a source of folic acid, which is recommended to consume, especially during pregnancy.
5. Helps strengthen bones: there are some varieties of fish rich in calcium and vitamin D, such as sardines and anchovies or anchovies. These nutrients help to strengthen and maintain bones properly at all stages of life.
Fish recipes
Fish recipes are many and varied, due to the multitude of species and cuts of fish. Below, we present several recipes with different cuts of fish, take note of them!