Homemade biscuits
250 g flour - 125 g butter at room temperature - 70 g sugar - 1 egg yolk - 1 tbsp. milk - One tbsp. vanilla aroma. FOR DECORATION: 20 g butter - 140 g chocolate
Cooking with kids

- We mix the sugar with the flour and form a volcano on the countertop. We place the diced pieces of butter, the yolk, milk, vanilla in the centre, and mix, working from outside in. We must not knead too much so that the texture is slightly rough!
2. When the dough is homogeneous, we wrap in plastic film and leave to stand in the fridge for 20 minutes.
3. We roll out the dough on a slightly floured surface, to the right thickness for our biscuits. With a dough-cutter or a glass we make circles.
Now it is time to call the kids to help decorate! They can make faces cutting out circles for eyes and using pieces of dough for the mouth and nose.
4. We put the biscuits on a tray with paper and put them into the oven at 160º for about 16 minutes, until we see that the edges that turned slightly brown. We take them out of the oven and put them on a grid to cool down.
5. Meanwhile, we put the chocolate in a bowl with the butter and heat in bain-marie until it has melted. We can also decorate with this mixture, smearing some biscuits with chocolate and putting the biscuit with the face on top, filling in the eyes with extra chocolate, and if we are real chocolate-lovers, we can cover them with coloured sprinkles, grated coconut or icing sugar.