How often should we renew our beauty products?

What is the shelf life of make-up products, when should they be replaced, and do cosmetics and creams have an expiry date?  Every beauty product has a specific duration and extending its use can have undesirable consequences on the skin. Let's see how long each one of them lasts.

health and beauty


¿Cada cuánto debemos renovar los productos de belleza?
¿Cada cuánto debemos renovar los productos de belleza?

If we search through our toiletry bag, it is certainly not unusual to find a blusher that we haven't worn for years, a lipstick from several seasons ago or a mascara that has long since ceased to perform its function. Although we are often unaware of this, make-up and beauty products have a limited shelf life. In some cases, using outdated cosmetics not only makes them less effective, but can also be harmful to the health of our skin. Over time, makeup components lose quality and can become filled with bacteria that could lead to infection and irritation.

Hygiene, climate and the quality of the manufacturer influence whether a product retains all its properties intact or whether it is better to dispose of it. Keeping creams and cosmetics away from the sun and sources of heat, and closing them properly after each use is very important. Also the amount of water they contain or whether the container is opaque or transparent influences the shelf life of the product.

Make-up base

One of the most sensitive products for our skin is make-up base. Using very old bases can cause the skin to become dry and even blemished. The bases usually last from 6 months to a year. Those that contain sun protection formulas last a little less. The most reliable proof we have is simply by looking at how they evolve. If it changes colour and dries out, it's time to replace it. Fluid bases last less time than compact bases.

¿Cada cuánto debemos renovar los productos de belleza?
¿Cada cuánto debemos renovar los productos de belleza?

Eyelash mascara

Sometimes we forget about the risk that can come with an out of date cosmetic or one that is in poor condition. The bacteria that live on our skin stick to the brush and, over time, can cause styes, conjunctivitis and even corneal ulcers. The solution is simple. Change mascara periodically. Experts recommend not to use a mascara for more than three months.  A sign that the product is no longer effective is when it is necessary to remove and insert the brush more than once to load it.


Lipsticks are another of the products with which we must take special care. Their constant contact with the mouth, one of the main sources of bacteria, makes it advisable to discard them after one year from their first use, although there are some that can last up to two years. If we want them to last longer, we can apply the colour with a brush instead of with our fingers.

Eye shadow and blushers

All powdered cosmetics will last 2 to 3 years. To maintain the correct use of shadows, blushers and compact powders, experts recommend washing brushes and applicators regularly. This will help to keep your cosmetics hygienic and they will last longer.

Nail polish

Nail varnishes last for 12 months after they are first applied. If you don't close them properly, they may dry out sooner. When the enamel becomes too thick and lumps appear, this is a sign that you are running out of time.

Moisturising creams

Creams expire too. Their shelf life will depend on the formula and the manufacturer. Normally each product indicates how long it can be used without losing its properties.