How to look after yourself at the age of 40. Five essential routines

Discover the 5 essential routines to take care of yourself after 40. We share all the best tips to maintain your well-being and vitality.

health and beauty


The 40s are undoubtedly a time of physical and psychological change for women. For many women, the transition to menopause begins, and the body starts to undergo a series of transformations, including hormonal changes. Therefore, it’s very important that from the age of 40 onwards we adapt our habits to this new stage. We're not just talking about the fitness habits that we should be doing from this age onwards, but also about eating habits and well-being.

1. Exercise

Start with easy routines and build up to regular exercise. It doesn’t need to be high-risk, high-intensity exercise, but frequent physical activity will help you cope with muscle wasting, promote bone health and prevent cardiovascular disease. Ideally, combine aerobic and strength training at least 4 days a week.  

2. Food

Value the quality, but also the quantity of food you eat. From the age of 40 onwards, one should ideally try to reduce the volume of body fat, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for health and to reduce the risk of cholesterol. In addition to controlling the quality of food, we must control the quantity and provide foods rich in protein, Omega 3, soluble fibre, calcium and vitamin D.

3. Skin cleansing

To maintain radiant skin and ensure that the products we apply take full effect, we must deep cleanse our skin twice a day. In the evenings, before starting the moisturising ritual, do a double cleansing. This technique consists of using two types of products to cleanse your skin. Firstly, a cleansing milk or oil, to remove oil-soluble dirt that can only be removed by oil-based products, i.e. make-up or sunscreens. Secondly, another cleanser for water-soluble impurities such as dust particles and dead skin cells. In the morning, we can use a single cleanser to remove the excess product applied at night and start from scratch.

4. Skin care

  • Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals and help to correct visible signs of ageing, even skin tone and help to reduce blemishes.
  • Hyaluronic acid maintains the correct structure of the skin and helps to minimise the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as promote skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Retinols help promote collagen synthesis, thereby improving skin texture, radiance and increasing skin hydration.
  • Moisturising keeps the skin's water levels balanced and the protective barrier stronger and more supple.
  • Sunscreen protects the skin from oxidative sun damage that causes dehydration and blemishes. In addition, it’s ideal to choose a good facial sunscreen with anti-ageing properties.

5. Rest 

Rest is when our body takes the opportunity to regenerate itself. It’s essential to rest well to be well, both physically and psychologically. Ensuring continuous 8-hour sleep routines will be one of the main challenges we face due to the endless digital stimulus we are continuously exposed to.