Pericana, the dish from the regions of L’Alcoià and El Comtat 

Discover how to make pericana, the typical dish from the regions of L’Alcoià and El Comtat. Find out what ingredients you need Don’t miss out!

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Pericana is a traditional dish from Alcoy, in the province of Alicante. But what exactly is pericana,? This delicious recipe is made with red pepper, cod and olive oil and, although it comes from humble beginnings, nowadays it is thought of as a delicacy that can be enjoyed as a starter and accompanied with some toasted bread. It keeps well and, as if that wasn’t enough, it’s ideal for sharing at a family meal or with friends.

What is pericana and what is its origin?

Pericana from Alicante is a dish with its origin in mountain cuisine. In fact, if we take a look at its simple ingredients, it’s easy to see that the foods used to make it are those that shepherds, farmers and other farm workers had to hand: red peppers, olive oil, salted cod... This is the interesting reason why this type of fish is used in particular: dried or salted fish was the only type that these mountain areas had access to.

Although the traditional pericana recipe is made using chaplain fish, a typical type of salted fish from the area that receives its name because it looks like the cassocks worn by priests when it is dried. Nowadays, cod is also a great option if it's easier to get hold of. When it comes to the red pepper, this can be of any variety available, from dried bell peppers to ñora peppers and dried choricero peppers.

Ingredients for pericana from Alicante

The ingredients you need are as follows:

  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 6 dried red peppers
  • 75 g dried salted cod
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt (optional)

Pericana recipe: step by step

The recipe for making pericana couldn’t be simpler. It takes just fifteen minutes to make this perfect starter to surprise your guests that they will love. Let’s look at how to make it!

  1. Finely chop the two garlic cloves and fry in a frying pan with a teaspoon of olive oil. Next, remove the garlic and set the oil aside.
  2. Add the other tablespoon of olive oil to the frying pan. When this is hot, fry the dried red peppers, taking care not to burn them, but keeping them crunchy.
  3. While the peppers are frying, cook the cod on a griddle. Then, crumble it.
  4. Cut the peppers with your hands and remove the stalks.
  5. Place the cooked garlic, chopped peppers and crumbs of cod into a bowl. Add salt if necessary since, depending on the type of cod, you may not need to add any more. Finally, mix thoroughly and, if you notice that your Pericana from Alicante is too dry, add a little more olive oil. Accompany with toasted bread and.... Bon Appétit!