Plum jam: how to make it  

Discover how to make plum jam and learn how to prepare this delicious recipe made with seasonal fruit. 

on today's menu


Mermelada de ciruela: cómo hacerla

Plum is a very tasty and refreshing fruit. We find it at its best in the months from June to September, which makes it one of the summer fruits. 

It is a fruit very rich in vitamins C and A, and in water (83%), hence why it is so refreshing. In addition, it provides potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, and hardly contains fat or protein. This nutritional composition makes plum an energetic food, cleansing, toning and light, capable of stimulating the nervous system. 

Red, yellow, green, purple, black... plums are a fruit with a taste that lies between sweet and sour. The taste changes depending on the variety: the sweetest are the red ones, the juiciest are the yellow ones and greengages stand out for their sweet aroma.

These characteristics make plum a very commonly used fruit in the kitchen, both in savoury dishes and desserts or jams. 

How to make plum jam

When the summer season arrives and plums begin to abound in the market, what better than to make your own homemade jam to accompany your breakfasts. 

Almost all jams are made in a similar way, the key is to add the exact amount of sugar and ensure that the cooking time is correct. 

To make our plum jam we will need:

Mermelada de ciruela: cómo hacerla


- 800g sugar

- ½  glass of water

-  The juice of one lemon

-  1.5 kg of yellow plums

How to make:

1. First, wash the plums and remove the stones. Put them in a cooking pot, if possible, an earthenware one. 

2. Add the water and simmer for 10 minutes. 

3. After this time, remove them from the heat and pass them through a sieve. 

4. Put the resulting pulp back in the pan and add the lemon juice and sugar. Cook for 40 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. 

5. Finally, after 40 minutes, transfer the jam to jars, close them and cook them in a bain-marie for 10 minutes, to bring about the vacuum seal that will help them keep for longer. 

To cool the jars put them in warm water. Once they have cooled, our jam will be ready.