Recipe for beef steak tartare 

 We tell you the secret to a recipe that’s all the rage. What’s more, you don’t even need a stove. It’s the recipe for steak tartare. Take note!

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Steak tartare, also known as fillet tartare or beef tartare, is a delicious recipe for meat lovers. A classic dish which, for many years, has been included on the menus of the best restaurants, but which you can prepare at home by following these simple steps. The dish is made with raw minced and seasoned beef and its principal secret, above all, is to choose quality fresh ingredients.

The first reference to steak tartare was found in The Travels book by Marco Polo, published in the 14th century. Three centuries later, another book mentioned the recipe, attributing it to the Tartars and describing the practice of the Mongol riders who transported meat under their saddles in order to tenderise it before it was eaten. However, the best-known reference, and the one which made this method of preparing meat famous, was that of Jules Verne in the novel Michael Strogoff. The oldest preserved recipe for steak tartare appears in the Larousse Gastronomic Dictionary of 1938 by Prosper Montagné.

Some advice for preparing steak tartare

- The meat used to prepare this dish is beef, although it could also be prepared with ox. The most suitable cut is the fillet, as it is one of the softest parts of the animal. Another option is to use sirloin.

 - The meat should be as free of sinew or fat as possible. If anything remains, you should remove it with a knife before you mince the meat. This is one of the key elements of the steak. It should always be cut into very fine pieces using a knife, never mince the meat using a food processor. For perfect results, cut the meat lengthwise in the direction of the meat fibres and then dice it.

 - Another secret to the recipe is to prepare it just before you eat it. It only takes 15 minutes to make and 100 grams of meat per person is sufficient.

- Once all the ingredients have been cut, leave them to rest and to marinade for 10 minutes before mixing everything well and serving.

- The egg yolk should be at room temperature and it should be added at the end to bind the rest of the ingredients together.

- The good thing about steak tartare is that, by the traditional recipe as the base, this dish can be adapted to the taste of each diner, more or less spicy, with more or less onion or capers, etc.

How to make a steak tartare: Step by step

Ingredients (2 people)

  • 200 g de beef fillet steak
  • Half an onion
  • Capers
  • Dijon mustard
  • Egg yolk
  • Worcestershire sauce
  • Tabasco
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Olive oil


  1. 1.Clean the meat well, removing any sinew or fat, and chop it by hand using a knife. Let it rest in a bowl.

    2. Chop the onion and capers very finely and add them to a bowl with the mustard, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco, olive oil, a little salt and freshly milled black pepper and mix together. Let it rest for ten minutes.

    3. Plate up the meat using a round mould, without pressing it down too much, make a depression in the centre and place the egg yolk in it. Chop a small amount of fresh chives, add a few salt flakes and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

    4. Before eating, break the egg yolk and mix it with the rest of the ingredients.