Say Goodbye to the Springtime blues! 

Fatigue or a lack of energy, sadness, mood swings, drowsiness, apathy, irritability, nervousness... If you suffer any of these symptoms over the next few weeks, there is nothing to worry about, it's Spring asthenia. This disorder is related to the change of season and, according to some data, affects 85% of the population.

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With Springtime comes the warmer weather and more hours of daylight. The pleasant temperatures tempt us out onto the street and we enjoy sitting in the sun on a terrace. We should embrace the new season with joy and yet we feel tired, in a bad mood, our head hurts and we just can’t concentrate. Spring asthenia comes every year and affects a sizable percentage of the population. The good news is that it is only temporary. It usually lasts a couple of weeks, just enough for our body to get used to the new situation.


The main culprit is the clocks going forward. The last weekend of March, we move the clock on by an hour, which alters our circadian rhythms, the ones responsible for generating changes in the production of endorphins, serotonin, melatonin and other substances of the nervous system. These changes bring about that run-down sensation so characteristic of early Spring. Our body needs a period of adaptation to the new schedule and the increase in daylight hours. Until the body self-regulates, we will feel more tired. Changes in temperature and humidity of the environment also influence us, since at this time of year there can be abrupt contrasts and the body finds it harder to adapt.

Some people are more affected by Spring asthenia than others. People who suffer from stress, work overload or family or personal problems experience these symptoms more intensely. It also tends to hit allergy sufferers harder during these months. According to a survey conducted by the Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences (SEDCA), women over 45 are the most affected in this regard.

Spring asthenia is difficult to prevent, especially since we do not know when symptoms will start. However, it is possible to try to reduce them. The most important thing is to follow a healthy diet and to have an active lifestyle. Below are some guidelines to follow if in the coming weeks you notice that the asthenia threatens to leave you feeling sapped of your strength.

• Eat more fruit and vegetables

There are some foods that provide extra energy or secrete substances that improve our mood. Strawberries, avocado, bananas or apricot have many properties that help us combat the symptoms of tiredness and apathy. Green leafy foliage, rich in folic acid, also has a positive influence on regaining vitality.

• High-Energy Breakfast

At this time, you can add to your usual breakfast certain foods with a high energy content. It is advisable to eat bread or cereals with the first meal of the day, which will provide us with carbohydrates; eggs or turkey, to provide us with protein; and some fruit to get the vitamins and minerals necessary to face the day with plenty of energy.

• Exercise and sleep as much as you need

Performing any exercise on a regular basis at least 30 minutes a day favours the production of endorphins. In addition, after practising sport, we rest better. Always going to bed at the same time and sleeping between 7 and 8 hours will help us to combat the feelings of fatigue.

• Vitamin supplements

If, despite all these recommendations, tiredness is still present, royal jelly or ginseng can stimulate your defences, provide energy and reduce the feeling of fatigue. It is advisable to take them for a limited time and preferably under medical supervision.