First-aid travel kit: 8 things you can not miss

It’s time to think about taking a few well deserved days off and getting ready to enjoy your summer holidays. Everything’s decided, the destination, the accommodation, the suitcase and… the first-aid kit? A first-aid kit seems to be one of the things we all forget on our holidays and is vital so that any small accidents aren’t a problem during your days off. Here, we’ve got a few tips for preparing an all-purpose first-aid kid. 

health and beauty


Botiquín para ‘sobrevivir’ a las vacaciones de verano

8 things to carry in your travel first-aid kit

Sun cream

Whether you prefer beach or mountain, don’t forget sun cream to protect your skill from UVA rays, and after sun to sooth it after a long summer’s day. The factor you choose will depend on the pigmentation of your skin, but it’s recommended to use a factor 50 and have different ones for the body and face.

Mosquito repellent

With the heat and the good weather come the feared mosquitoes, and it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you can’t win the war against mosquitoes then repellents like sticks, creams, lotions and bite sprays can’t be left out of the first-aid kit.

Don’t forget your health card.

Digestive problems

When we’re on holiday we change our daily schedule and our eating habits. We relax about food and allow ourselves the occasional binge. Eating more or changing our normal diet has an impact on our bodies so don’t forget medicine for heartburn, difficult digestion and constipation.


You can’t forget the most basic materials for cleaning, disinfecting and protecting small wounds, cuts or grazes that we can get during summer activities. Gauzes, surgical tape, plasters, cotton, scissors and antiseptic are essential. Tip: include a shock-proof thermometer.

Keep your first-aid kit in a cool, dry and clean space away from direct sunlight and check the expiry dates of all the products and medicines.

Botiquín para ‘sobrevivir’ a las vacaciones de verano

Painkillers and anti-inflammatories

A headache or a bit shouldn’t ruin a sunny day. Anti-inflammatories and painkillers for pain relief and antihistamines for any allergies shouldn’t be left out of your summer first-aid kit. Also, don’t forget any prescription medicines that you take.

Medicines have to be taken as prescribed and should not be abused.

Travel sickness medicine

Plane travel, train travel or even care journeys can cause you to feel travel sick until you arrive at your holiday destination. To get the journey off to good start, don’t forget to take travel sickness pills. A natural alternative? Ginger sweets will help you enjoy the journey.

Eye drops

The heat, wind and sun affect our eyes meaning they lose their natural hydration and easily get irritated. But the biggest cause of red eyes is the chlorine in swimming pools and eye drops are great for rehydrating and relieving itchy eyes.

Talcum powder

This is the perfect ally against rubbing caused by the heat and excess sweet. What’s more, if you’re thinking of going for a walk in the countryside you can put a bit of talc in your shoes to avoid blisters, or even removing excess beach sand from your feet.