Crunchy cheese roll

For 4 servings:
• 400 g of cream cheese
• 50 g of pistachio nuts
• 50 g of cashew nuts
• 1 pomegranate
1. Spread the cream cheese on a piece of cling film and make it into a roll.
2. Place the roll in the freezer 30 minutes before serving.
3. Peel and chop the cashew and pistachio nuts and set them aside.
4. Cut the pomegranate in half and scrape the pips out. You can use gloves to avoid staining your hands. Set it aside.
5. Spread the chopped nuts out on a tray.
6. Remove the cheese from the freezer, peel the film away and roll the cheese in the chopped nuts.
7. Place the roll on a serving dish.
8. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds over it to taste.