My five favourites


For their collaboration in this article, Jesús Manzano and Consum have donated 500€ to AFAV.

Jesús Manzano is a comedian, actor and stand-up comedian. He has worked in the main theatres in Spain and has collaborated with radio and television programs such as El Hormiguero, Más de uno, Comedy Central, Paramount Comedy or RNE, among others. He combines his work and appearances in the media with his own shows, in which he also works with improvisation and mentalism.

Here are his ‘five a day’:



It’s my favourite fruit. My name is Manzano (‘Apple’), but bananas are the perfect fruit because they come with a wrapper, are easy to open, you don't have to wash them and on top of that they’re delicious – a miracle of nature.



They say in a derogatory way that humans are the only ones who drink milk from other species, but we are also the only ones who know how to make paella or use Wi-Fi. For me, milk is essential to start the day. They say the same about coffee, but until I drink a glass of milk in the morning, I’m not human.



Another wonder of nature that is always in my shopping bag. On trips, between meals, as a snack, while watching a soccer game... There are so many moments to resort to nuts, and they are almost always fun moments. On top of that, they are healthy and take a long time to go bad.



It goes with everything, whether sweet or savoury – it was a great invention. And when it’s freshly baked, it lets off an aroma that not even the perfumes they advertise on TV with French accents have. Bread is a delicacy within the reach of any social class. Give me bread and call me a fool if you want.



Oil is like a smile, it improves everything. In salads, on ham, for the car... It can even be used to make a lamp, prevent hinges from squeaking and make locks open. Of course, it goes up in price. I have been lucky enough to eat in many excellent restaurants, but if I’m given the choice of one food to eat every day of my life, I choose bread with oil. Nothing else.