My five favourites

Mikel Iturriaga

Foto: Ainhoa Gomà

My five favourites


For carrying out this article Mikel Iturriaga and Consum are donating € 500 in food to the NGO Oxfam Intermón to be distributed among the underprivileged.

From his childhood in Bilbao he ate very well thanks to his mother, Mari Carmen, and to his second mother, Juli, authentic mistresses of traditional cooking.

He got tired one day of cultural journalism and turned to gastronomic journalism, although he does not limit himself to the kitchen. You could say that the López Iturriaga journalist subverts the elevated art of cooking and turns it into pop. He digests high culinary culture and returns it to us in a closer, more recognisable format.

Here are his five favourites:


As the Basque person I am, I can’t live without them. I like them alone, in salads -especially legume ones- and to boost flavours in pasta and sauces. I love them with spaghetti, pine nuts, garlic and parsley.


My favourite legume, apart from pocha beans. When I learned the trick to remove their skins once cooked -a few minutes in a pan with a pinch of bicarbonate, and then wash them- I entered another chickpea dimension. But if they are thin, I eat them with the skin all the same.


This is the Basque in me again. These slightly spicy chillies cheer up your salads, aperitifs and life in general. They are the soul of gildas, a banderilla I would kill for.


Hi, my name is Mikel López Iturriaga and I’m addicted to sobrasada. I’ve tried stopping, but there’s no way. If some day I end up dead in a hotel room, it’ll be in Mallorca after eating too much of it.


Quite a rude vegetable, hard to peel like Rebeca and more difficult to combine than the colour fuchsia. I love it every way: raw in slices, in breadcrumbs, glazed, with rice, grilled or roasted in green sauce.