10 false myths about oral hygiene
We are exposed to a great deal of information on a daily basis and some of it is not real. In this article we debunk 10 false myths about oral hygiene.

health and beauty

1. Stiff bristle brushes are best for proper cleaning.
Stiff bristle brushes are not better. Specialists recommend soft bristle brushes, as hard bristles can cause gum and enamel problems.
The main purpose of a toothbrush is to remove plaque and stimulate the gums. If your question is whether to use a manual or electric brush, these are the pros and cons of each.
2. Mouthwash replaces brushing.
Never. Mouthwash is always a complement to brushing. Chewing gum is also not a substitute for brushing. Never. Chewing gum or chewing fruits and vegetables promotes self-cleaning and increases saliva, but it is not a substitute for proper brushing.
3. Wisdom teeth should always be removed.
They do not always need to be removed. The dentist evaluates each case based on the position and condition of the tooth, taking into account the condition of each patient.
4. Cavities always hurt.
A cavity can be present in a tooth, mainly in the enamel, without the patient feeling any pain. The pain generally starts when the infection spreads to the dentin, the inner layer of the teeth, and in contact with hot or cold drinks or sugars. Regular check-ups are the best way to detect cavities early.
5. False teeth are for life.
The materials of the inserts must be replaced due to wear and contamination. In addition, the gingival tissues of the gums evolve over time, so the stiffness of the prosthesis can cause discomfort.

6. The cavities of milk teeth do not affect the definitive ones.
It is a false belief that it has been responsible for serious problems in the permanent teeth. Baby tooth decay needs to be treated as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage.
7. It is normal for my gums to bleed.
Bleeding from the gums is a red flag. It should be reviewed with a specialist to determine the origin and the possible solution.
8. Bad breath is always from stomach problems.
The most common origin of halitosis or bad breath is oral diseases, mainly cavities and gum disease. According to the College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Alicante, these factors are responsible for halitosis in 85-90% of cases. The causes related to ENT problems, airways or metabolic alterations are less frequent.
9. It is normal for the pregnant woman to lose a tooth.
It is not true. Pregnancy is a period that requires specific care, also of the mouth. Increased salivation during this stage can increase some pre-pregnancy problems, so it is advisable to maintain a frequent and preventive check-up.
10. Baking soda is the best bleach.
It is not true. It is a very dangerous home remedy if applied to the mouth, as it erodes tooth enamel and can weaken teeth.