Parmesan lollies

For 4 servings:
• 2 bags ofgrated Parmesan cheese
• 1 bag ofdried figs
• 1 jar of driedtomatoes
• 1 bag ofsesame seeds
• 1 bag ofchia seeds
• 1 bag ofdried mango
• Woodenskewers to make the lollies
1. Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray.
2. Place some mounds of the Parmesan cheese on the tray.
3. Spread them out to make a flat, round lollipop shape.
4. Put your favourite toppings on each one: driedfigs, dried tomatoes, sesame or chia seeds, or dried mango.
5. Stick a wooden skewer into each mound of Parmesan cheese and cover it with cheese to seal it.
6. Bake them in the oven until they are crunchy.