Properties of radish

Discover all the benefits of radish, a very nutritious root vegetable that contains a large number of active ingredients that help prevent diseases.  

fresh food


Radish is an edible root vegetable that is grown almost everywhere in the world. Apparently, it was already well-known in ancient Egypt more than 4,000 years ago, as well as in Chinese civilization where it was used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. Historians attribute their expansion across the European continent to the Greeks and Romans.   

The radish belongs to the cruciferous family, along with cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip and rocket. These types of vegetables contain a group of substances that are considered powerful antioxidants, so their consumption is recommended to prevent some diseases. As well as this, radishes contain few calories and many nutrients, making them an ideal vegetable to include in our daily diet. 

There are different types of radishes. The most popular ones here are the round radishes, red on the outside and white on the inside, popularly called baby radishes, but there is also the black radish and the Japanese radish or daikon, which is the most commonly used in Asian cuisine. 

Nutritional Value of Radish

It is one of the vegetables with the highest water content, almost 95% and very few calories (100 grams provide only 14 kcal). It is a source of folic acid and Vitamin C. 

Benefits of radish

-The antioxidant action of vitamin C in radish helps prevent cells from oxidative damage, keeps teeth and bones strong and helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.

-Folates are essential during pregnancy as they contribute to the growth of maternal tissues.

-Being composed mostly of water, radishes are a natural diuretic. 

-They are rich in fiber, which produces a sense of fulness. This, together with their diuretic power and low caloric content, makes them a great ally for people who want to lose weight.

The radish in the kitchen

Red radish is most commonly used in salad.  Its flavor is refreshing and can be spicy depending on the variety and time of harvest. Try them with purple onion, feta cheese and pine nuts. In spring and summer, the radishes are grown outdoors, so their peak season is in May, June and July, during the rest of the year they are grown in greenhouses. In addition to salads, we can use radishes to prepare ceviche or even add it to our juice along with other fruits and vegetables.  Although we are used to eating them raw, they are delicious roasted in the oven for 30 minutes with salt, pepper and olive oil, garlic and rosemary or thyme.