My five favourites


For their collaboration in this article, Alberto Soler and Consum have donated 500€ to La Dinamo.

Alberto Soler is a health psychologist, holds a master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and is a European specialist in psychotherapy. He has more than 17 years of experience in the latter, which he combines with talks and conferences, as well as his work in the press, radio and television on education and parenting. He is co-author of the books Hijos y padres felices [Happy Children and Parents] (Kailas, 2017), Niños sin etiquetas [Children Without Labels] (Paidós, 2020) and La gran guía de la crianza [The Great Parenting Guide] (Paidós, 2023), among others. He regularly discusses topics related to personal growth and parenting on his social media accounts.

Here are his "top five":



Those who know me know that I love coffee; I like it a lot, maybe too much. At breakfast, at lunchtime, at dinner, in the afternoon, in the evening... it's so good! Of course, I drink the 100% Arabica variety and if it's fair trade and sustainably grown, all the better.



What a vice! The house is not a home without pistachios, cashews, almonds, peanuts walnuts... They can be used as an appetiser or as a great accompaniment to lunch or an afternoon snack. Nuts are a versatile and multi-purpose food that I always say yes to.



Another essential staple. Sorry lentils, but how good are chickpeas in stews, casseroles, couscous, hummus? You can eat them almost any way you like. When it's cold, they're especially good in a guiso, but also throughout the year in salads or in other ways.



They are sensational, so clean and easy to eat; I love them! In our house, we often say "we're a family of monkeys", because rare is the day we set foot in a supermarket without buying bananas. We all love them.



Let's see if the price drops soon, because we can't live without it. And not only because it has many health benefits, but because it is a pleasure for the senses. On a slice of bread, in a salad... how lucky we are to have such premium-quality olive oil so close to home.