Foto: Jose Maria Campillo

My five favourites


For their collaboration in this article, Carme Gasull and Consum have donated 500€ to Arrels Fundació.

Carme Gasull is a journalist and communicator specialising in food and gastronomy, a job she performs in written press, radio and television. She’s also a facilitator, presenter and moderator of trade fairs, conferences and congresses. She participated in writing Nikkei (2019) and Cócteles, coctelería y bartenders (2019), books in the Bullipedia collection Sapiens. What’s more, she’s the author of Cataluña en el paladar (Austral Media, 2004 - Cossetània Edicions, 2006) and co-author of Enganchado (Libros Cúpula, 2023).

Here are her ‘top five’:



A staple in the Mediterranean diet and in mine all year round. I often buy dried pasta (spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, pipe and letters) to prepare various, rather traditional, hot and cold, pasta and soup recipes.



Always from the Delta del Ebro Protected Designation of Origin (Tarragona) because it guarantees the origin, proximity and quality of all the dishes. Eating this rice evokes the landscape and the rice dishes from this area that I love.



During the winter months, we often prepare and eat empanadillas. We like to share the process of mixing the ingredients, filling the obleas, sealing them carefully, brushing them with egg and watching them roast in the oven before savouring them.



Whole milk, butter and natural yoghurts are staples in my fridge. In the mornings, I have a latte (or two) and toast with butter and jam or yoghurt with fresh fruit or nuts.



Having an aperitif is one of our weekend family treats - we love it! That's why the pantry is always stocked with classic ham-flavoured chips (I confess I love them), anchovy-stuffed olives and pickled gherkins in vinegar.