My five favourites


For their collaboration in this article, Llum Barrera and Consum have donated 500€ to Aldeas Infantiles.

Llum Barrera (Alcudia, Balearic islands, 1968) is an actress, presenter and comedian. A Journalism graduate from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, she soon changed direction in her career towards the world of performance. She is known in particular for the series Hospital Central, El comisario and Aquí no hay quien viva. She's worked on TV series like Pulseras rojas, Seis hermanas or Amar es para siempre and has taken part in the third edition of Tu cara me suena. She has also collaborated in the media and on programmes like Zapeando.

Here are her “Top 5”:



My mother always used to say that, if she didn't have a full fruit bowl, it was like having empty cupboards. I think the same as her, and I get the impression that my son is going to be exactly the same. He’s always asked for fruit as soon as he gets home, from being young. But, above all, I think you have to eat seasonal fruit. Eating watermelons at Christmas... I don’t think so. And if it's locally produced, even better.



I love any flavour, or natural sugar-free yoghurts. I eat them as a dessert or snack. My favourite snack is placing fruit in the blender with a nice natural yoghurt. And when they expire, I use them to make sponge cakes, and I’m still alive. Long live yoghurt!  



I don’t think I could live in a world where cheese hadn’t been invented. When I travel, I love trying local cheeses. I like all varieties, especially those from the Balearic islands, of which there are many and they are delicious. I'm also one of those strange people who enjoy a good cheese from Burgos or a soft, fresh cheese from anywhere.... Or cottage cheese. In salad or on pizza it’s super tasty.  



As any good Mallorcan woman should, whenever we have guests at home or we get invited to a friend's house, we arrive with a sobrasada at the ready. When we go to Mallorca on holiday, we buy tonnes of it. It makes us feel closer to our island. And if you spread it on nice, warm or freshly baked bread... It brings tears to your eyes.



It pairs with absolutely everything. Luckily, we live in a country with fantastic wineries, wherever you go. And you don’t need to spend a fortune on it like you do abroad.