My five favourites

Fran silvestre

My five favourites


For producing this article, Fran Silvestre and Consum have given 500€ worth to La Salut Valencian Cooperative.

Fran Silvestre is an architect, designer and lecturer. After studying at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and at the Technische Universiteit of Eindhoven, he worked in the studio of Álvaro Siza (Pritzker Prize in Architecture in 1992) in Oporto. Subsequently, in 2004 he returned to Valencia to set up his own studio. His style is characterised by boosting natural light to the max and having the minimum impact on the environment. Among other awards, in 2015 he was nominated for the German Design Award, one of the sector’s most important awards, and in 2016, he received a special mention in recognition of this.  

Here are his “five of”:



How could I live without it? Perfect for every meal of the day, for breakfast with bread and tomato, for a salad or a main dish. It improves everything. 



I love oranges, particularly when they come from our region. Perhaps because they are real, perhaps because they are the produce from the land, or perhaps because of the climate and the humidity, but we Valencians are proud to say that we have the best oranges in the country. 



Everything tastes better when accompanied by chocolate. It’s the perfect snack to recharge my energy during the day. 



When I think of rice I think of my region, of the Albufera, of being with family, of Sundays.  Like a good Valencian, rice is one of my favourite dishes. Whether dry, creamy, paella or baked… I love it in every way. 



Any excuse for eating fresh cheese is a good one. It is never missing from my fridge. This is a quality food, it is healthy and nourishing and can be eaten in many different ways to achieve a varied, stimulating and healthy diet.