My five favourites

Luis Larrodera

My five favourites


For carrying out this article, Luis Larrodera and Consum are donating € 500 in food to the Fundación Deporte Integra, for its distribution among the underprivileged.

Luis Larrodera (you know him for presenting ‘Saber y Ganar’ or the last season of the legendary ‘Un, dos, tres’) was born in Zaragoza, and while other children dreamed of being doctors, lawyers or footballers, Luis knew exactly what he wanted to do: communication and performing, a dream that he has been working on since the age of 15.

His homeland gave him character, values and the love of food, and for this reason the basic foods of any home are not missing from his choice.  

Here are his five favourites:


This is one of the first things on my shopping list, even though my youngest daughter is allergic to them, and we have to be very careful when we eat them. They’re a top food in any way you have them, whether it be classic or more elaborate: fried eggs -crunchy on the outside, if possible -, scrambled -alone or accompanied-, omelette -French or with potato, with or without onion… I like them either way-. Not more than one a day (as recommended), and if possible, free-range.


Personally, from childhood I’ve woken up every day with a glass of milk. Although with time it has become the inseparable companion of morning coffee. And I haven’t just varied the amount of milk I drink, but I’ve also changed its origin, for a couple of years I have substituted cow’s milk for goat’s or sheep’s. (goat’s more than sheep’s). I find I digest it better than traditional milk. And although it is not exactly “milk”, and I don’t drink it, there is also soya, almond and oat milk in my family fridge. So yes, there are only four of us at home, but we have over five types of milk!


As they said in the “Jerry Maguire” film: ¡Enséñame la pasta! I love it! Give me a plate of macaroni with tomato and chorizo and you’ll make me happy. Also, I have no problem with the size, shape or length: tagliatelle, spaghetti, macaroni, hoops… whatever you want! For example, I adore it with oil, chopped crab sticks, chili and white pepper. And my wife makes a recipe of spaghetti with prawns and clams to die for.


I like bread. A lot. Extremely. I’m one of those people who eats bread by itself, like biscuits. And I like spreading it, wiping my plate with it, which is why bread can’t be missing … and this is why I don’t like just any bread. I like it to be soft, toasted to the right point (better more than less) with a spongy inside. Bread that reminds me of the bread of when I was little... the one of the bakery I always went to. Give me bread and call my silly... but give me bread.


My top fish: tuna. I’m sure to get it right, however you want it: lightly grilled; cooked with rice; raw, as nigiri or maki;  tinned (in oil, brine or natural), ready to improvise dinner or accompany a pasta dish; in pasties (I make delicious ones, by the way). Tuna. Delicious. Essential.