My five favourites
For producing this article, Carlos Goñi and Consum have given 500€ worth to Asindown Foundation.
Carlos Goñi began is music career as a writer and guitarist at the young age of 18. After joining various groups (Garaje and Comité Cisne), he decided to go it alone with Revólver, a music group of which he is the lead singer and also a pseudonym when it comes to releasing his albums. With a highly successful career, iconic songs (“El roce de tu piel”, “Si es tan solo amor”, “Dentro de ti”, “Esclavo de tu amor” and “Mi rendición”) and acclaimed live performances, Carlos Goñi is considered one of the most iconic Spanish artists.
Here are his «five of»:
Something which is essential for me, liquid gold, extra virgin olive oil. For me, it's the be all and end all of any meal, and the 5 litre bottles at home pour like there's no tomorrow.
It's impossible to start cooking without some kind of sauté containing onions. Whether its sautéed, roasted or raw in salads. Something else I like to do with it is store it in a large jar with vinegar and leave it for a few days. Yummm...a wonderful dressing.
More of the same. Without garlic, life would be worse, a lot worse. It livens up anything. A happy combination, of three parts with onion and oil, they form an unbeatable team of flavour.
We are never without them at home, we buy huge quantities. Whether it's for warm, well-seasoned salads or to cook with vegetables. We are completely addicted to pulses for a thousand reasons, but the main one is because they are delicious.
Everything. It’s impossible not to eat broccoli, cauliflower, aubergines, etc. They are staple foods in our diet and we cook them in many ways, particularly roasted and well-seasoned with all kinds of spices: rosemary, thyme, curry, paprika, turmeric. They turn into a dish which is anything but ordinary, and truly delicious. just by adding a little imagination.