Javier Sierra

My five favourites

For producing this article, Javier Sierra and Consum have given 500€ worth of food to the Térvalis Fundation so that it can be distributed among the most needy.
Javier Sierra is a writerand journalist. He was awarded the Planeta Novel Prize in 2017 for 'El fuegoinvisible'. He is the only contemporary Spanish author who has managed to placehis novels in the top ten of the best-selling books in the United States. His worksare translated into more than forty languages. Trained in the world ofjournalism, he has written very popular titles such as 'La cena secreta','La dama azul', 'La ruta prohibida','Las puertas templarias' or 'El ángel perdido'.
Here are her Top 5:

I think this is the first thing I look for in a supermarket and the scale by which I classify the quality of these establishments. For me, cheese is the food that helps you in any situation and can accompany any dish. You just have to know how to pick it right. And, in addition, it transmits much of the land where it is made. Even more than wine.

I started travelling to Italy when I was just twenty years old and discovered that pasta goes far beyond the most popular varieties in Spain. At the foot of the Vatican Paloma Gómez-Borrero opened to me a universe of varieties, shapes, colors and flavors with which I fantasize every time I make a purchase.

I was born in Teruel, a high land where the hams are dried in the cold and are never missing from the table. Maybe that's why this product can't be missing at home. And when it's not there, it seems that the pantry has lost its most illustrious guest. In a supermarket, it's inevitable that I'll look for what hams they have.

During my years as a student in high school and during my time in a small flat in the Sierra de Madrid, far from supermarkets or small shops, I learned that it’s important to always have a can of tuna to hand in case of emergency. In salads and even sandwiches you can save an afternoon in which you need to concentrate on a text and not leave home.

It doesn't matter if it's winter or summer. Having an assortment of ice cream nearby to turn to is a delight. I am somewhat heterodox in their use and I can accompany them with a good tea or coffee. They're clear. They remind you that there’s always a 'summer of your life' around the corner and they convey happiness.