Vitamins for the body: strengthen your immune system for winter!

Although there are still a few days left of summer and sun, September, as a rule, is the time when we go back to our routine and reduce the hours we spend exposed to the sun. Seasonal changes affect you both physically and mentally, which is why we will tell you the best tips and the best vitamins for the autumn.

health and beauty


Tips for getting well in autumn

1. Sleep well. Sleeping helps us feel better, physically and emotionally. Doing it for at least 8 hours a day is, along with food, the key to a healthy lifestyle. In addition, with a restful sleep we get tired less, we have better physical resistance and we concentrate better on our daily tasks.

2. Take advantage of the hours of sunlight. Now that it’s getting dark earlier and earlier, we should take advantage of the hours of maximum sunlight. First of all, by taking vitamin D which gives us the sun, which, among other benefits, drives away depression, improves the appearance of the skin, strengthens the bones and can increase the number of white blood cells, which is perfect for protecting ourselves against the colds which are typical at this time of year. Secondly, we must take advantage of this time to exercise, which will help us to produce endorphins, which are responsible for putting us in a better mood, creating a state of well-being.

3. Pay attention to your diet. Choosing seasonal foods and maintaining a healthy and balanced diet will help us to strengthen the immune system and be strong for when the cold arrives. Foods which are rich in vitamins and minerals will help us to prevent the colds and flu which are so typical of this season. Pumpkin, Swiss chard, spinach, sweet potato, cabbage, mushrooms and beans are some of the seasonal vegetables of autumn. As for fruit, we can find apples, tangerines, pomegranates, oranges, grapes and berries like blackberries, blueberries or redcurrants.

4. Protect your skin. It is important to protect your skin, both inside and out. Drinking two litres of water a day is essential to keep the skin hydrated inside. Essential oils will help us to hydrate, nourish and repair our skin from the outside after the excesses we expose ourselves to in summer: sun, sea and chlorine. We must not forget to exfoliate our skin to eliminate dead skin and impurities and so that the oils can act better.

5. S
hampoo your hair. Hair and skin are the two areas which are most affected by the summer due to sun exposure, salt from the sea and chlorine from swimming pools. So, the holidays have probably had an effect on our hair, leaving it dry and damaged. The arrival of autumn is the ideal time to moisturise, nourish and trim the ends of our hair and, giving it a healthier appearance.  

Vitamínate. Prepara tu cuerpo para el otoño.

Vitamins, from A to E, to head into autumn

For many, the end of the holidays is synonymous with preparing for the new season and taking advantage of multivitamin complexes, but they are not always necessary. We'll suggest to you the 7 vitamins which are essential in your diet, and which foods you can find them in.

1. Vitamin A. In autumn, taking vitamin A is essential to avoid catching a cold, as it is responsible for strengthening the immune system. It is mainly found in orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, peaches or apricots.

2. Vitamin B6. This vitamin is responsible for burning fat to be more concentrated during the day. It is the ideal ally, both for people who want to lose weight, and for people who have to concentrate for a long period of time. It is found in many foods, such as red meat, eggs or fish.

3. Vitamin B9. Better known as folic acid, its importance lies in the need to make red blood cells, which are necessary for the entire body to be properly nourished. This vitamin is found in legumes, beans or asparagus and citrus, such as orange or grapefruit.

Vitamin C. This vitamin is responsible for the creation of collagen, a compound found between cells, as well as the absorption of iron. It is especially found in citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit or lemons.

5. Vitamin D. The main objective of this vitamin is the absorption of calcium in the bones; in fact, its consumption is recommended to avoid osteoporosis. Our body generates vitamin D when we expose ourselves to sunlight; a simple walk is enough to maintain optimal levels of this vitamin. Other foods which are rich in vitamin D include egg yolk and fatty fish.

6. Vitamin E. Vitamin E has a great antioxidant power which contributes to the protection of cells against the oxidation caused by free radicals, compounds which are formed when the body transforms the food consumed into energy. These antioxidant properties help the immune system, as well as the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This vitamin is mainly found in vegetable oils, which are used to hydrate the hair naturally, but also in nuts, such as pistachios or pumpkin seeds, and in peas, bream, sweetcorn or canned spinach.