Here are 10 healthy lifestyle habits you can apply this summer no matter where you are. Because there's nothing better than taking care of yourself!



What do we mean by a healthy life?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being". It makes it clear that a healthy life goes beyond physical health and a balanced diet, to include all habits that benefit mental health too.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits during the summer

1. Maintain a balanced diet: a balanced diet includes all the foods in the nutritional pyramid, but in the amounts recommended for each person. Take note of the most important ones!

  • Fruits and vegetables: 2 or 3 servings a day.
  • Lean meat and fish: 3 or 4 servings a week.
  • Potatoes, rice, bread, wholemeal bread and pasta: 4 to 6 servings daily.
  • Milk and milk products: 2 to 4 servings per week.
  • Pulses: 2 to 4 servings per week.
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 3 to 6 servings a day.

2. Buy healthy food: on holidays we have more time to increase and enjoy our consumption of healthy foods, among which we find seasonal fruits and vegetables. Combine them with pulses or nuts in delicious fresh salads.

3. Hydrate properly: we must drink at least two litres of water daily. In summer, complements your water intake with homemade lemonade, juices, nectars and even gazpachos and salmorejos. Super-inviting!

4. Have a good breakfast in the morning: breakfast is the first meal of the day and the most important. Take the opportunity to establish a family breakfast routine and consume foods that may not initially seem so inviting, such as porridge. We are your example to follow!

5. Eat as a family: seize the opportunity to enjoy the company of the youngest members of the household, cook together and incorporate and discover new healthy and seasonal foods.

6. Avoid TV and other technological devices during meals: the Spanish Paediatric Association and the WHO recommend this practice. Studies indicate that children are otherwise at risk of being overweight, since they do not pay attention to what they eat and therefore consume more calories.

7. Practise sports: it is advisable to carry out 30 minutes of physical activity daily. This does not necessarily mean that we should be doing high-impact exercise: there are other types of exercise such as fast walking, cycling or going for a stroll. The important thing is to avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

8. Getting enough sleep: Although in summer it is harder to sleep due to the heat, the recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours for adults and 10 to 12 hours for children. Take advantage of family days to establish sleep patterns that will serve you all well once back to school.

9. Take care of our mental health: anxiety and depression are some of the most recurrent diseases among adults today. The summer season is ideal for taking care of ourselves, seeking out moments to rest and, above all, doing things that make us happy.

10. Socialise: leisure is fundamental for human beings. During the summer months we can make more plans and enjoy spending time with family and friends even more. Try not to lose these habits for the rest of the year.